After reading The Pioneers, why do you think the hamburger became America's most popular sandwich? Be sure to use details from the chapter to back up your answer.
Students from a 10th grade classroom in Rochester, NY, will be reading Chew on This, a book about the fast food industry. Please feel free to join us in our discussion as we share our thoughts about the topics presented in the book.
America's most popular sandwich is the hamburger because the McDonald brothers sold them at their restaurant.
A.E.F. Could you please add some more details about how the hamburger became popular. Remember your entries should be more than one sentence, and the first sentence should not include details.
Mrs. E
A.E.F seems to be on the right track, but I disagree that is the only reason. I think that America's most popular sandwich is the Cheese burger. I say this, because in my life time, I've never seen anybody eat a burger without cheese on it. Also, the burger in general, is so popular, becasue it is cheap to order and/or make, Easy to chew, Tastes Great (personal opinion), and people can carry it with one hand, and when you add fries and a drink to it, it becomes even more delicious. This plus all the advertisements, and the "Have to do everything ASAP" life-style that America has seem to fallen into, make a homecooked meal less appealling to some.
America's most poupuler sandwich is the hamburger because lots of resturants have sold alot of burgers since 1950's.
I think the hamburger is america's favorite sandwich because they are cheap'delicious and you can walk with them. sgd
Personally, I think that the reason the hamburger is one of the favorite foods of america because you can carry them around and they taste good (though i personally think they are not very tasty at all if from a fast food restaurant, they use to many chemicals in my opinion.)
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